Writing Projects and Hybrid Teaching: Writing an Informative Text

Eduardo España Palop
Departament De Didàctica De La Llengua I La Literatura Facultat De Magisteri Av. Dels Tarongers, 4 46022 València Universitat De València


COVID-19 has placed a lot of restrictions on people's daily lives. These restrictions have also reached the classrooms. In Spain, a hybrid teaching model was imposed during the period between September and December in university studies. Far from being an inconvenience, this situation presented an opportunity to adapt collaborative learning methodologies to virtual environments. These virtual environments favour group work and the connection between classroom work and real life. In this presentation, we will explain the adaptation of a writing project to this hybrid (situation) for first year Education students. The final product of this Project was an informative text about the educational system of a country other than Spain. The aim was for students to work through the three stages of the entire writing process (text preparation, textualization and revision) to acquire the necessary skills to be effective writers. This project, based on team work, was carried out through face-to-face and online sessions. The result was satisfactory, above all, in two ways: on one hand, the students discovered and practiced all the different stages involved in the writing process. On the other hand, they learned to work as a team in a virtual environment. Additionally, they practiced/implemented different digital tools and skills that will serve them in their academic and professional futureS.
