Student-Content Interaction in Virtual Classrooms

Erinc Karatas
Ankara University


Virtual classrooms took their place in the middle of the educators’ and students’ life with the Covid-19 pandemic. Especially in the process of overcoming the first panic period, virtual classrooms met the needs of educators and students to see each other and hear their voices, even from a distance. However, with the prolongation of the pandemic process, the inefficient use of these environments has led to the question of the value of the screen time and the efforts spent. In this study, the introduction of some auxiliary applications and tools that will increase the interaction of students with the content in the virtual classrooms, as well as some teaching methods, techniques and strategies will be discussed. In this way, examples of providing opportunities for engagement, participation and motivation of students towards the lesson will be presented along with solution suggestions for some challenges that educators may encounter in virtual classrooms.
