The Effects of Non-Communication on Individual and Social Life in the Communication Age, Which is Caused by Social Distance Problem Based on Technological Social Isolation

Emi̇ne Öztürk and Associated. Prof. Dr. Sadagat Abbasova
Kafkas Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Theology Faculty


Today, we all live 24/7 online with our computers, tablets and smartphones. We are at the center of communication tools in all environments at home, workplace, hospital, school, etc. and we are always open to communication. While a high level of interaction is expected between people in such an environment, according to most studies, people of our age are far away from establishing a sustainable communication environment with each other. With the development of technology, many problems in interpersonal communication and corporate communication come to the fore, despite the communication tools that have become a life phenomenon that is increasingly common in all areas of life. Here are some of the problems caused by non-communication in the age of communication we are in. 1. Stressful Office Environment The biggest sign of non-communication in the office environment is stress. Poor communication can lead to delays on the to-do list, employees feeling nervous, reduced productivity, and misunderstandings. Good communication between senior management and employees leads to a sense of stability and predictability so that stress levels reach their lowest point. Also, a healthy communication environment to be established between employees increases the commitment and motivation of the employees. 2. A Stressful Life Communication problems experienced by the individual in his / her business life, social environment or at home can cause mental and physical disorders. The distress and stress that occur in the individual as a result of the communication that cannot be established adversely affect the human metabolism. The miscommunication experienced by the individual can cause unhappiness, depression or a sad mood. This generally affects all areas of a person's life and reduces the quality of life. In our daily life equipped with a wide variety of communication tools, it is so easy to reach and communicate with each other, a common non-communication problem arises. Analyzes should be made in order to establish a healthy and sustainable communication environment in terms of both corporate communication and interpersonal communication, the existing communication environments should be evaluated, the deficiencies should be eliminated, if necessary, personal and corporate development should be provided by receiving trainings in this field. Therefore, this presentation will examine the problem of non-communication in the age of communication. Key Words: Non-communication, cummunication, technological social isolation, age of communication.
