Proposals for the Implantation of Smart Cities in the European Union and Spain. Regulation and Management of Public Services at the Digital Society

Francisco Javier DurĂ¡n Ruiz
University of Granada


The article aims to analyze the existing situation of several projects willing to create smart cities in Spain within the framework of the European Union. It uses as example several cities and their different concepts of smart city (IC). It also investigates how local corporations interact with collective digital social innovation experiences, understood as networks of people and organizations that generate innovation through the use of digital technologies for social and environmental purposes and the improvement of the public services. Our hypothesis is that the cities' discourse on IC wants to move towards a participatory vision, but is still far from it in practice. It seems that in corporations unidirectional and instrumental practice continues to predominate in the way they interact with the experiences of digital social innovation . On the other hand, we analyze the vision of IC, the management of the public services and how different experiences of digital social innovation in Spain are related to administration. We show in the article that the possibilities of improving public services through ICT in smart cities are still very wide and need development, investment and involvement by all the territorial levels of the administration that have competences for it.

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