English Language Teacher Education from the Lens of Critical Pedagogy

Kamile Hamiloğlu
Marmara University


In the history of English (as a foreign) language teacher education (EFLTE), there have been numerous theories which have been applied, adapted, and reconstructed based on the needs and conditions of the learners, teachers and teacher educators from very early times so far. There have been many transitions within these theories explaining the practices in English as foreign language (EFL) classes from the perspective of EFLTE. This paper examines how these theories and transitions can be considered from the lens of Critical Pedagogy (CP) and whether the recognition and inclusion of the CP may help foreign language teacher educators understand and involve the the CP through developing critical thinking of their student teachers for creating a better world, not only for themselves or their students but also for everyone. For being able to attempt this, initially all theories underlying EFLTE were visited and then what CP meant for those EFLTE was examined. Following these steps, I exemplified the ways of including Critical pedagogical thought into EFLTE, through the applications and implementation I have had with my student teachers such as digital critical diaries, course book resident character analyses and course book text analyses. In the light of my example applications, I attempted to show probable positive outcomes of consideration and inclusion of CP into the EFLTE for all types of improvements for a better world in the future with the help of foreign language teachers.

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