PsyCap Interventions while Telecommuting: A Response to COVID-19-related SCARF

Samantha Coleman and Raven Curling, MA


The COVID-19 crisis, has ignited widespread psychological distress due to a perceived threat to one’s physical health, finances, and personal life. Additionally, for working parents, childcare responsibilities have exacerbated these stressors, as they aim to home school their children and/or work within virtual environments. These factors, individually and collectively, can impact emotional regulation and relationship management within the “new normal” of telecommuting. SCARF: A brain-based model steeped in neuroscience research will be reviewed in an effort to understand how COVID-19 has activated threat responses in the five social domains of Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. Additionally, the construct of psychological capital and PsyCap interventions will be highlighted as recommendations for how organizational leadership can minimize threat responses and maximize employee well-being by increasing their hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism.

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