Recent Issues in Social Sciences

Elisabete Vieira
Diretora Do Isca-Ua (Isca-Ua Director),


Social sciences cover a very wide range of subjects, as they focus on the branch of science dedicated to the study of societies, human behaviour and the relationships among individuals within those societies. In the 19th century, the term was used mainly to refer to the field of sociology. However, nowadays, it covers an extensive range of academic disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, economics, history, human geography, linguistics, management science, political science and psychology. The purpose of this presentation is to identify what are some of the recent trends of research in social science, showing the direction of future development, mainly on the fields of business and economics. The business subject includes accountancy, finance, commerce, management, human resource management, marketing and organizational studies. The economics embraces, among other topics, the macroeconomics, microeconomics, and socioeconomics, as well as behavioural, energy, entrepreneurial, environmental, financial, green, international, managerial and welfare economics. In this context, we conduct a bibliometric analysis, describing the evolutional research studies published in digital libraries in the last recent years, trying to contribute to a better understanding of the challenging topics on social sciences, mainly in the domain of business and economics.

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