Analysis of the Sars Covid – 19 Pandemic Impact in the Albanian Tourism Sector

Vaeld Zhezha
University "Aleksander "Mojsiu, Durres


Over the last five years, the tourism industry in Albania has received special attention from both the private and public sectors. This has resulted in numerous incentive packages being offered to both the private and public sectors. As the tourism sector in Albania has started to attract a wide range of tourists, many of whom are from Central Europe, the country has started to attract more tourists. This has been done through the participation of international fairs. The private sector is interested in investing in the accommodation infrastructure because of the government's creation of fiscal auxiliary policies, particularly in 5-star hotels. Tourism is currently not just a separate sector that generates revenue for the state budget, but if it is managed with well-defined strategies, such as sustainable development, then development will be generated in tourism areas, which can then spread to other businesses in various sectors of production and services. This is because tourism has the potential to balance and multiply income as well as jobs by doubling the indirect income generated by this sector. In recent years, there has been an increase in competition among businesses in this industry. The tour operators' offers are improving as a result of a study of Albania's status as a destination, as well as balancing them with the services provided and expanding the choice of products. We can no longer speak about tourism as a single field, but we may consider it as a whole system. All players in this industry can work together to improve service quality, including similar interests and interactions between all parties, such as local government, private accommodation companies, and appropriate government organizations. Only via such collaboration can demand for resources and raw materials be developed, not just for simple tourist attractions. This will result in the formulation of a service offer that is even more tailored to current market demands, not just in Europe, resulting in a long-term competitive advantage. The Sars Covid-19 pandemic, which has spread throughout Albania, has caused a fall in economic sectors, with a particularly significant impact on tourism. This study will attempt to examine Albania's recent progress and the implications it has brought, including the Sars Covid-19 pandemic in this industry. The study will be carried out using sectoral data for sustainable tourism, as well as a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data to be used. The influence of the Sars Covid-19 pandemic on Albanian tourism is suggested by the results of descriptive analyses. Keywords: Sustainable tourism, competition, pandemic, targeted marketing , Covid-19

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