A Contrastive Analysis of Compound Nouns in German and Albanian Languages

Brunilda Vërçani


Abstract Language is an important mean of communication and it is constantly changing. During the language change a lot of words are out of use and many other new words become part of lexicon . The lexicon of the language is becoming extended and one important way of extended language is word formation. In German and Albanian Languages word formation is defined as a process of forming new words. In both, German and Albanian Languages an important contribution in word formation is given by composition. In German Language compound words make up 2/3 of lexical language. The dominant part of compound words is the formation of compound nouns. German Language has got a lot of compound nouns so it has the ability to create new composition between the connection of nouns or the connection of a noun with the other part of discourse. In most cases the compositions of German Language find their equivalent in Albanian Language in simple words or phrases. In both languages a noun composition consists of two or more (lexical parts) components; they can have subordinate and coordinate relations. The majority of composition is done by coordinate relations (determinate compositions). The composition components have a strict word order. If the word order changes in German Language, the meaning of composition will change, it will take a new meaning. (Of course there are exceptions in a few cases). If the word order changes in Albanian Language, the sentence is meaningless. In Albanian language the components of a compound noun are connected without fugues. Compound nouns with connecting vowels (o / a) are very few, while in German linking elements (fugues : e-, -s-, -es-, -n-, -en-, -er-, -ens-, -o-, ) are typical. Keywords: word formation, composition, compound nouns

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