Identity Formation and Dilemma of Two Cultures- Case of Albanian Circular Migrants Living Between Albania and Greece
Denisa Titili and Maria Dojce
University "Fan S. "Noli
The study of migration and cultural change has occupied an important place in contemporary research as part of social change. There is a number of studies concerning migrants integration and identity formation of migrants in host society. In context of Albanian migration this situation is particularly evident in case of families or individuals who are located sometimes in the country of destination and sometimes in the country of origin (case of seasonal Albanian migrants in Greece), who are characterized by frequent goings and comings. Albanian society has experienced mass migration since 1990. The main destination of migrants from southeast of Albania remains Greece. This paper introduces circular migration between Albania and Greece; the impact of migration in identity formation; social and cultural integration to host society and dilemma of living between two cultures. Localisation of migrants and their families in some cases here and there sometimes makes migrants identity formation even more difficult and at the same time embodies complex and multi- dimensional meanings of 'home'. Data for this study is provided through in-depth interviews. 30 in-depth interviews were conducted with Albanian migrants working seasonally in Greece legally and illegally. In-depth interviews and individual life stories concerning circular migration allowed to point out social interaction patterns of migrants, dilemma of living between two cultures; the construction of collective and individual identity to the new social and cultural environment. The paper is based on migration statistics, patterns, typologies, migrants’ profiles and experiences as well as on their life stories concerning social and cultural interaction to Greece.
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