Impact of Middle Term Points in Total Score in the Context of Face to Face and Online Teaching

Nazmi Xhomara and Dr. Majlinda Hala, Lecturer, Department of Picture, Faculty of Arts, University of Arts, Tirana, Albania. [email protected]
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Luarasi University, Tirana, Albania


Abstract The study aimed to investigate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching, as well as the effect of middle term points in total score in the context of face-to-face and online teaching. Correlational research design and a database of students’ attendance and results to get secondary data were used in the study. A random cluster sample of students from the bachelor's degree program was taken. The study demonstrated that there is a mean difference in the population or, equivalently, that the two-sample means were drawn from different populations of online vs face-to-face teaching. The study showed a high positive correlation between middle term points and total score variables, r = .846 for experimental group and r = .731 for control group, where increases in middle term points were associated with increases in total score values. It can also be concluded that the total variance of total score levels explained by middle term points (the model) is 53.4%, the other variance may be explained by other variables; meanwhile, Beta Standardized coefficient of middle term points explains 84.6% of the variance in the total score of their academic performance for experimental group, and 73.1% for control group. This indicates that middle term points influence strongly the total score of students' academic performance. Keywords: face-to-face teaching, online teaching, middle term points, the total score

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