Albanian Technical Terminologies as A Special Vocabulary and Its Challenges in the XXI Century

Gani Pllana and Sadete Pllana
Gani Pllana Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo


Abstract In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooperation of the scientific-technical language with the standard Albanian language is continuing with a higher intensity than before. We notice a vigor of enrichment in the vocabulary of technical terminology, due to the creation and formation of new fields and subfields of technics, technology, also computing, mechatronics, telemetry, a multitude of concepts many of which, on one hand, are marked with names of the languages they come from, mainly from English, but on the other hand, they meet their needs with the lexical mother tongue composition (by common words being raised to terms) and with the activation of other layers, such as word-combination (word-group) terms. In this paper, in a more pronounced way, we are exploring with priority the formation process of terms from common words in technical terminologies. The influence of the scientific-technical language on the general one will be further strengthened in future, because science and its language are beginning to play an increasingly more important role on the development of culture in general. Key words: terms, Albanian technical terminology, problems, tasks, XXI century.

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