The Sonority Dispersion Principle in Albanian

Artan Xhaferaj
“Ismail Qemali” University of Vlora, Albania


Abstract An important pattern that is based on the sonority relationship is the Sonority Dispersion Principle (SDP). This principle, formulated by Clements (1990), can serve as the basis for classifying syllable types in terms of relative complexity. The notion “dispersion in sonority” clearly defined within a demisyllable. According to this principle, the sonority slop from the onset to the syllable nucleus is maximized and from the nucleus to the coda is minimized. The purpose of this paper is to provide some data on the Albanian language by dividing the sounds within the demisyllable, by analyzing the combinations of sounds in the onset and in the coda. According to SDP, in Albanian the optimal syllable structure with 2 elements is C[stop]V, while among the optimal structures with 3 elements, the types C[stop]VC[glide], C[stop]C[liquid]V, C[stop]C[nasal]V and C[fricative]C[liquid]V predominate. The analyzed data are important and serve to deeply recognize the characteristics of phonological system of Albanian and can also serve for its approach to typological level. Keywords: Albanian language, syllable types, optimal syllable, demisyllable, Sonority Dispersion Principle.

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