The Impact of Distance Education on the Teaching-Learning of Academic Writing for 3 LMD
Guessar Souad
Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar
This present study discusses teaching EFL in a university context and revolves around distance learning of foreign languages (case of 3rd-year undergraduate students). The purpose of this article is to describe and understand the impact of distance education on teaching-learning of Academic Writing. A questionnaire is made to conduct this study, to analyze certain skills related to the handling of ICT, not only by teachers in teaching practices, particularly writing, but also by students in a situation. Learning scriptural skills and identifying specific difficulties related to writing. The results obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires show that distance education and the use of ICTs participate in the innovation of distance education, thus encouraging student empowerment. However, the skill of academic writing remains little exploited.
Keywords: distance learning, ICT, academic writing, scriptural competence, English as a foreign language.
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