Epidemiological Surveillance of Prevention and Eradication Program Covid-19 (Evaluation Study in Sukabumi City, Indonesia)

Budiman and Mindy Puspita Dewi
Public Health Program Stikes Jenderal


The Covid-19 pandemic has spread to various parts of the world, including Indonesia, on March 2, 2020, the first positive confirmed case of Covid-19 was found. Currently the distribution is up to 499 (97%) districts/cities including Sukabumi City with the incidence rate during 2020 reaching 1888 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of epidemiological surveillance of the Covid-19 prevention and eradication program in Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with an evaluation study design. The research subjects were 3 health workers at the Sukabumi City Health Office, Indonesia. Research instruments with filled out forms and activity checklists sourced from data from the health office report. Data analysis uses the calculation of the effectiveness and efficiency of program implementation. The results of the research research subjects have carried out the collection and processing of surveillance data, the target of health service coverage is 109,963 households (348,945 people. The effectiveness of program achievement is 28.67% and program achievement efficiency is 19.41%. Conclusion Covid-19 disease in Sukabumi City is a finding The new cases did not match the target coverage that had been set so that it had an impact on the uncontrolled Covid-19 pandemic in Sukabumi City, Indonesia.

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