Developing Multilingual Competence and Cultural Awareness Through Forms of Non-Formal Learning: A Contribution to Sustainable Employability, Active Citizenship and Social Inclusion

Anabela Simões
University of Aveiro, Portugal


In May 2018, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted a Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, a framework that attempts to establish a common understanding of competences needed in the present moment and in the future, by emphasising the inter-relatedness of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. An important reference tool for education and training stakeholders, this recommendation identifies the following key competences: 1) Literacy competence; 2) Multilingual competence; 3) Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering; 4) Digital competence; 5) Personal, social and learning to learn competence; 6) Civic competence; 7) Entrepreneurship competence; and 8) Cultural awareness and expression competence. The EU Member States are, thus, encouraged to prepare their citizens for changing labour markets and active citizenship in more diverse, mobile, digital, and global societies, and to develop learning at all stages of life. In a world characterized by physical and virtual mobility, socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural diversity is the foundation on which contemporary societies are built. Indeed, as the modern workplace becomes ever more global and interconnected, proficiency in foreign languages (FL) assumes a fundamental role in international business relations. Simultaneously, being able to navigate the different identities present in culturally diverse environments is equally vital; in other words, understanding how international stakeholders think, work, and express themselves through their attitudes and behaviours should be perceived as of paramount importance. Moreover, from this understanding of the Other emerges empathy – yet another skill that is so relevant in these challenging times we are living in. While teacher-guided approaches will remain an important pedagogical practice, the main approach to teaching key competences is through providing learning environments that facilitate active learning, i.e., student-centred settings where open-ended problems and challenges can be solved through debate, experimentation, exploration, and creativity. This presentation aims to narrate a non-formal activity carried out within a Business English course (university level) in collaboration with an international group of volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps. This initiative sought to contribute to the development of some of the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, especially multilingual skills and cultural sensitivity and expression, but also digital skills and personal and social skills of the participants.

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