Digital Interferences in the Albanian Language

Natasha Poroçani


The development of information technology in Albania has been largely similar to that of other countries: placed in new social and communication contexts. However, two features of our national situation have been manifested for quite some time now, processes which ultimately refer to the process of training Albanian speakers. It regards a double dualism: the one between writing and speaking, and the one between respecting grammatical rules and breaking them. We have also focused on the history of this journey for Albanian as well as on the concretizations of the interventions (Italianism, Anglicism, slang, etc.), closely related to the social and cultural contexts from which they were transferred. In our work, we have focused on the space occupied by electronic writing in virtual communication, and the hybrid changes that the language intended to be used in this communication typology has undergone. To carry out our study we have relied on the products of research in virtual communication (WhatsApp, Viber, email, etc.) of a group of young people aged 16-20 years as well as data provided by open scientific university studies. We have come to the conclusion that presently, a new way of communication is being created which aims to and realizes fast communication, in real-time, through abbreviations, interventions, and graphics, which although not in the nature and structure of the Albanian language, manage to convey messages and provide accurate perceptions, but also closely related to the social, timely and cultural strata in which they are used. Such codifications are the result and consequence of the new contexts into which communication has entered. Key terms: electronic communication, abbreviations, media, language.

Download ICOC 2021 Proceedings Book Volume 1 ISBN-9781639723959
