Dubai and United Arab Emirates Ministry of Happiness Presentation of the National Happiness and Positivity Programme - Qualitative Analysis

Diamantino José Teixeira Ribeiro, Jorge Remondes and António Pedro Costa
Cefage - Centro De Estudos E Formação Avançada Em Gestão E Economia Da Universidade De Évora


Scientific research on the question of how happiness can be increased and then sustained has still a long way ahead. The authors have been developing studies in this field and have chosen the happiness initiatives of the Dubai and UAE government to elaborate a case study. This paper, extracted from the wider investigation, presents a study based on government communication on the creation of the Dubai and United Arab Emirates Ministry of Happiness. In the scope of this work we have chosen the National Happiness and Positivity Programme of the Dubai and United Arab Emirates Ministry of Happiness. Using the technique of content analysis, through the use of webQDA software, the aim was to understand how the government communicated its strategy for happiness and which are the most used concepts to capture the attention of institutions and citizens. Consequently, the aim was to understand what actions the government has advocated to implement the said programme. The results imply that the concept of positivity has a focus that is very close and complementary to that of happiness. It is also inferred that the government intends to promote 'happiness as a way of life’, and also to involve the private sector in the National Happiness and Positivity Programme. Finally, the author’s contribution to this research field is to demonstrate that this model of positivity and sustainable happiness can be extensively implemented, including in the academy.
